17th European Skeptics Congress

22nd - 24th September 2017, University Wroclaw, Poland

Lukas Kroulik's snapshots from the congress captured the celebrities, international speakers and highlights throughout the whole event.

The Amazing James Randi talking about his work.
The Amazing James Randi talking about his work.

Claire Klingenberg, President of the European Council of Skeptical Organisations, summarising Randi's presentation.
Claire Klingenberg, President of the European Council of Skeptical Organisations, summarising Randi's presentation.

Jakub Kroulik, mentalist - demonstrating hypnosis live in front of  all the sceptics.
Jakub Kroulik, mentalist - demonstrating hypnosis live in front of all the sceptics.

Exorcism panel discussion: (L-R) Petr Jan Vinš, Mariusz Błochowiak, Susan Blackmore, Chris French, Jakub Kroulík and Konrad Szołajski.
Exorcism panel discussion: (L-R) Petr Jan Vinš, Mariusz Błochowiak, Susan Blackmore, Chris French, Jakub Kroulík and Konrad Szołajski.