Durbar Court, Wednesday, 16th September, 2009
"The classical debutante is the focus of my MA research at University of the Arts London, and the revival of Queen Charlotte’s Ball gave me the perfect opportunity to connect traditional glamour with the best of current fashion trends. The classical debutante look is fresh, young and aristocratic: I wanted to give this a contemporary edge with a twist on top of the classical hair-up style. This bohemian touch nicely complemented the beautiful jewellery and dresses but allowed the debs to feel that they could also have fun – and reflected my own origins as an artist from Bohemia in the Czech Republic! My make-up design was inspired by the girls themselves.
They were of course already young and lovely – my goal was to let them look naturally fresh and beautiful, giving them a healthy glow and subtly enhancing their features with the main focus on the eyes. Traditionally, debutantes were introduced into the exclusive world of the Season – reaching its climax with Queen Charlotte's Ball – by the most influential and admired hostesses in society. HRH Princess Katarina of Yugoslavia and Her Grace the Duchess of Somerset led our debutantes into the gathering and for them we created splendid hairstyles and brought to life their unique role at this revival of the Ball.
Thanks to my wonderful team of fourteen young, creative and highly skilled professionals from University of the Arts London we helped to bring the vision of the new debutante into living reality." Lukas Kroulik
